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Does Music Make You Drunker

Mon, Sep 12, 22

Does Music Make You Drunker

Ever wonder if music could make you more drunk? There’s a reason those bars out there keep playing rapid hits over and over again. The next time you order a drink, ask yourself if you’re ordering it because your favorite Drake song is playing, or because you’re just plain old thirsty.

It’s common knowledge among bar owners that talkers don’t do as much drinking as their silent counterparts. When you’re talking you’re not drinking. And when you’re not drinking, you’re not spending money. Simple enough. But is it true?

Here’s a quote from the NY Times:

In 1985, a study by Fairfield University in Connecticut reported that people ate faster when background music was sped up, from 3.83 to 4.4 bites per minute. Nicolas Gueguen, a professor of behavioral sciences at the Université de Bretagne-Sud in France, reported in the October 2008 edition of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research that higher volumes led beer drinkers in a bar to imbibe more. When the bar’s music was 72 decibels, people ordered an average of 2.6 drinks and took 14.5 minutes to finish one. But when the volume was turned up to 88 decibels, customers ordered an average of 3.4 drinks and took 11.5 minutes to finish each one.

That’s a pretty massive increase. And it’s sort of logical, too, right? You’re less likely to sit there nursing a whiskey when there’s fast and loud music booming through the place than you would be listening to a country ballad or something.